UTY niversitas Yogyakarta Technology is a combination of the three forces leading universities in Yogyakarta, STIE Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta ABA, and STMIK Dharma Nation, which has long been active in the education world and has proven successful print human resources that are reliable, qualified and capable answer the challenge of evolving era.

UTY established on October 23, 2002 in the city of Yogyakarta. UTY founded by Yayasan Dharma Bhakti science and technology committee that has been proven to have committed the nation to promote a child's life through education institution in the previous governance. The purpose of the establishment of UTY were outlined in the vision and mission of UTY, into a superior university in Southeast Asia in the 21st century through the various plans are superior.

UTY shelter under Dharma Bhakti Foundation Science and Technology. UTY is a combination of three private universities in Yogyakarta, namely: STIE Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta ABA, and STMIK Dharma Nations. The merger was done for several reasons, one of which is to anticipate the future in the face of global competition. Hopefully, through this merger will emerge a strong synergy that comes from their respective universities to achieve the ideals of the chill together.



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